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A Step by Step Process on How Solar Energy Works

How Does Solar Energy work?

You probably must have seen those huge panels on the roof of many houses and have asked yourself “oh man how does this thing work?”. 

Well, I will walk you through the process of this solar energy works. Firstly, you should know that solar energy is the most abundant type of energy in the world today and it is gotten from the sun.

That means the sun generates energy which is converted into electricity and used to power your home, office, farm, or wherever you need your installation to be made.

You can also read solar power for beginners

Solar power is of tremendous benefit to you. Once the installation is made, here are some benefits you would get

  • It improves your home value.
  • Solar makes you independent of the utility company.
  • You contribute to saving the planet by installing solar panels.
  • You have money too.

Component of solar

The solar panels installed on the roof are just one of the components that helps in utilizing the free energy generated by the sun. The components include

  • Solar panels

  • Inverter

Solar inverter

  • Battery

Solar Batteries

How Do Solar Panels Generate Electricity?


1. Absorption

Each solar panel possesses solar cells which can also be called photovoltaic cells. These cells are responsible for absorbing light from the sun. The panels are connected in a series for maximum effect.

2. Electric current

When solar energy strikes the photovoltaic cells in the solar panel, it energizes it and this results in electrons getting loose from atoms. The loose electrons now are put in motion which further creates an electric current.

3. Storage

The electric current generated is stored in your battery.

4. Conversion

The current generated from the sun is a Direct Current (DC) and it is stored as such in your battery. For use in the home or any other place where the installation was made, the Direct Current needs to be converted to an Alternating Current (AC). 

That’s where the inverter comes in.

The inverter converts DC to AC.

5. Ready to use

The converted electricity is ready to use in powering your appliances.


A Simple Illustration on How Solar Works

Let’s look at a simpler illustration of how solar energy works. For this illustration,


  • The sun is likened to be fuel
  • The solar panel is likened to be a gas pump.
  • The battery is the tank and
  • The inverter is the engine.

Full connection

Here’s how it works

The sun(fuel) hits your panels(gas pump) through a chemical process and the panels turn solar energy into Direct Current (DC).

Your panel determines how much current can be stored in your battery(tank). The bigger your panels, the more energy you get from the sun to store in your battery and the longer you can run your inverter (engine).

The energy stored in the battery is a Direct Current (DC). For it to be used in powering your appliances, it needs to be converted to an Alternating Current (AC) by an Inverter.

The inverter converts the current and sends it to your devices for use.

Final thoughts

Now you know how the sun can power your home and minimize cost.

Interested in installing solar panels for your home, farm, office,e or any other place?

Explore our solar products or contact us

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Solar Power For Beginners



Solar energy is the most abundant type of energy in the world. It is the energy gotten from the sun. The sun helps us in different ways. For example, it dries our clothes, dries grains, keeps the temperature of the Earth balanced, and many other benefits.

As a beginner, this article will walk you through solar power and frequently asked questions about solar energy.

What is solar power?

Solar power is the conversion of solar energy which is derived from the sun to electricity. It gives you the ability to tap into the resources hidden in the sun. Instead of powering your home, farm, office, and other stations of yours with a generator or the grid, you can power them using the energy from the sun.

The sun which is 14.24million kilometers away from the Earth can release more energy on the Earth in one hour than can be used by everyone in the world in one year.

What does solar power involve?

To effectively enjoy the free energy distributed by the sun, there are some basic components you need to set up. They include:

  • Solar panels: solar panels can be likened to a fuel pump. It captures energy from the sun and stores it in a battery.
  • Batteries: The batteries are likened to a fuel tank that receives fuel from the pump. Energy is stored as direct current (DC) form in the batteries and when needed, it is converted from direct current (DC) to an alternating current (AC) by an inverter converter, and electricity is supplied to your home, farm, office, or wherever your installation was made.

How long has solar been around?

Solar has been around for a very long time as the concept of photovoltaic was discovered far back as 1800’s. The first commercial application of photovoltaics was called solar batteries and was used in 1955 by Bell labs. They were used mainly in remote areas to power telephone switches.

Do solar panels generate electricity when it rains?

Yes, they do.

All the panel needs is a little bit of light. Somewhere about 6:30 am is bright enough to produce electricity from your patterns to charge your panels.

One thing you should keep in mind is this, during rainy days, you may not produce maximum electricity. Getting more solar panels can remedy this situation. However, it is expensive so the best you can do during rainy days is to turn off all appliances and let the sun charge your batteries or you use a generator to recharge your batteries.

Can I power my refrigerator with solar?

Yes, you can. A system of about one and a half kilowatt can power your refrigerator, freezer, lights, television, and fans without any problem.

Can solar power an air conditioner?

Yes, solar power can power an air conditioner. Although, it isn’t advisable to run an air conditioner when you have a limited solar budget because it requires more storage (more solar panels and batteries) which can be expensive.

Is the power gotten from the sun as strong as the power that comes from the grid?

Yes, it is.

The power produced is a pure sine wave which is similar to the energy produced by a good quality grid. This doesn’t allow you to get the noise you normally receive from the grid due to poor transformers or cheap generators. It also produces a constant voltage which makes your appliances happy and makes you feel comfortable.

What kind of batteries does AWPS use?

At AWPS, we use lithium ion batteries only. They can be discharged to 90% and will last for 10 years or more. They are backed by a 10 year warranty

Solar is quite expensive. Why should I buy?

Of course, solar is expensive. 

Some reasons you should consider buying solar is this

  1. It saves you from noise.
  2. When you consider the money spent on fuel, (it is quite outrageous). Solar saves you from this expense.
  3. Solar reduces noise and environmental pollution
  4. Health-related hazards that are caused by exposure to fumes are minimized.
  5. Solar saves you from poor practices that can lead to permanent disability.
  6. Maintaining a generator is expensive which isn’t the same as solar. When you install solar, you pay once, and you are covered for a long period.

Yo‏u may also like benefits of solar panel installation for your home.

Solar or inverter?

An inverter is an uninterrupted power supply. It is charged by the grid or your generator. The grid and the generator are expensive

At AWPS, our systems are designed to be a permanent backup. The circuit board of the systems are thicker, they possess cooling fans so they can run for a longer period.

Solar requires no generator unless you purchase a minimal system or run days of cloudy weather. Our system charges using solar, generator, or grid power supply.


There you have it, a beginner’s guide to solar power. Have you got questions about solar power?



Do well to drop them in the comment section.

Solar Energy News Solar Power

10 Stunning Benefits of Installing Solar Panels for Your Home

Having solar panels at home and getting the most out of the free energy provided by the sun each day is a wonderful decision to make.

Solar energy is renewable energy derived from the sun. Unlike other non-renewable ways of producing electricity such as oil, coal, gas, etc, the sun replenishes the energy released by itself.  A solar panel when installed traps the energy from the sun and this energy is being converted to electricity for your house use.


Installing a solar panel in your home which produces sufficient electricity to power your home is an economical and life-changing step to take.

Don’t take my words for it. You can have a look at the importance of solar energy and why you should install a solar panel in your home. When you are through, you’d finally be equipped with the right information which will direct your purchasing decision.

Benefits of Installing a Solar Panel for Your Home

1. Saves you money

The money spent on the use of electricity, purchase of diesel, petrol, oil and all other things required to power a generator or install a transformer is quite tremendous. While spending your cash on all of these, sometimes you still aren’t sure of the possibility of having a 24hours power supply especially if you reside in Nigeria.

The installation of solar panels at your home saves you so much money that would have been spent on other expensive means of generating power.

2. Improves home value

Installing solar panels at home gives your home a new experience which helps in improving the quality of your home.

You stop being bothered about the nuisance caused by generators, the inconsistent power supply, and you focus more on the free energy that is provided for you by the sun daily.


When solar panels are installed in your home, it improves the perception of your home. If in any case, you feel like selling your home in the future, be rest assured that you could make a lot from the sales as solar panels improve the reselling value of your home.

3. Independence

The use of solar energy at home makes you independent of other sources of power supply which are quite expensive in the long run. For example, you stop being dependent on the utility company to provide power supply, you become independent of the high cost of petrol, gas, oil, etc and you receive uninterrupted power supply.

4. Contribute to saving the planet

The use of fossil fuels to power homes contributes to the large emission of carbon which is harmful to the environment, plant, and human health. 

The installation of solar panels at home can help lessen the production of carbon and limit pollution of the atmosphere which in turn means a healthy planet. 

Your home can be a source of hope to the planet and make it a better place to live in if you install solar panels and tap into the free energy produced by the sun daily.

5. Renewable energy

Solar energy is renewable energy. It had unlimited use. Unlike other non-renewable sources such as coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy which cannot be renewed, solar energy which is gotten from the sun can be renewed and it will never run out of supply.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory emphasized that the sun releases more energy on the Earth in one hour than is used by everyone in the world in one year. This clarified that solar energy is bountiful and cannot get scarce or run out.

6. Healthy Legacy

The installation of solar panels in your home enables you to leave a healthy and green legacy for the future. You help in combating the emission of greenhouse gases which are harmful to the health of humans, plants, and the Earth at large when you install a solar panel.

7. Control

The use of solar energy gives you much control over the electricity in your home as you typically stop the use of every other money consuming means of producing electricity. You also have control over the kind of appliance you want to run and which you do not. The use of solar panels at home ultimately gives you control over cost and consumption.

8. Low maintenance

Unlike generators which require you to spend cash monthly or quarterly servicing and maintenance, solar panels are relatively easy to maintain. They do not require a lot of maintenance, all you have to do is keep them clean.

9. No noise, less pollution

Solar energy when converted into electricity produces no noise and reduces pollution. Unlike generators which produce noise and air pollution, solar panels don’t produce any noise while it runs neither does it produce any other form of pollution.

This attribute when compared to the use of generators makes it a healthier option for your home, environment, you, and your family.

10. Prevents global warming

Global warming as defined by NASA is an unusually rapid increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature. It is attributed primarily to the greenhouse gases which are released when burning fossil fuels.

The installation of solar panels in your home helps reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and the consumption of fossil fuels.


Final Thoughts

While some persons write about the pros and cons of solar panel installation in the home, we think that there are no disadvantages with solar panel installation.

Apart from the initial investment of purchasing and installing a solar panel which can be quite expensive, solar panel installation is a bold step for anyone who wants a constant power supply while saving the planet.


As a bonus tip, the installation of solar panels extends the life of your roof. It fosters longevity as they protect the roof from snow, rain, and debris which could affect it negatively.

Now, it’s up to you to choose to install solar panels at your homes or ignore the useful benefit of this free energy.

Solar Energy News Solar Power

Electrifying Nigerian Agriculture with Clean Minigrids to Improve Livelihoods

Electrifying Nigerian Agriculture with Clean Minigrids to Improve Livelihoods

A new Power Africa study finds immediate opportunity to initiate and scale the productive use of energy from Nigerian minigrids by electrifying three prevalent agricultural processing activities: rice milling, grain flour milling, and cassava grating.

For the hundreds of millions of people living without electricity access or poor grid supply, the ultimate goal of electrification is seamless integration of reliable power and income-generating activities that propel communities forward. Solar hybrid minigrids can provide cost-competitive and reliable service with plenty of power to run productivity-enhancing machinery to do just that.

In theory, these “productive use” activities can ensure steady sales for the minigrid company, allowing them to pay off their investment and then reinvest in bringing power to still more customers. In practice, most electrification efforts have focused on ensuring electricity supply, leaving electricity demand to grow organically. Today, minigrid loads throughout sub-Saharan Africa remain low, challenging companies, consumers, and development partners to stimulate the productive use of electricity.

In Nigeria, agriculture is the bedrock of the non-oil economy, employing two-thirds of workers and accounting for nearly a quarter of national GDP. While a sizeable portion of economic activity, agriculture contributed to just 2.4 percent of Nigeria’s total foreign earnings in 2019. Strengthening agricultural exports could pay macroeconomic dividends by reducing Nigerian dependence on foreign exchange from exporting oil to fickle international markets. But energy poverty applies friction across the entire agricultural value chain, increasing costs and decreasing quality of agricultural products and hampering export potential.


Overcoming Agricultural Energy Challenges

In our experiences with small- and medium-sized agribusinesses, the lack of consistent electricity is cited as one of the foremost challenges to smooth business operations. The World Bank reports that getting access to electricity ranks as one of the major constraints for the private sector in Nigeria. Innovation to increase energy efficiency, supply reliable power, and maximize income is required to improve the livelihoods of agribusiness entrepreneurs.

For Habibu Lawal, a rice miller in Kaduna State, the status quo is costly. He spends $12/day on diesel alone to operate his old, inefficient rice mill. He estimates that the aging motor takes another $12/month to service and repair. Worse still, the outdated one-stage mill shatters a significant portion of the rice grains as the bran and husk are removed, reducing the amount of salable milled rice for every kilogram of raw paddy rice he feeds into the machine.

A new two-stage electric rice mill could cut operating costs by roughly 10% at a $0.60/kWh tariff while increasing the yield of milled rice by 20%–30% and improving the quality of his final product. But without access to financing or reliable electricity in his community, the noisy, unreliable, and expensive diesel-powered machine is Mr. Lawal’s only option.

Despite the clear opportunity, rural electrification and agricultural activities are not tightly integrated. Why? One reason is that agricultural value chains are complex, and there are myriad ways that electricity can be used in them. Should minigrid electricity heat dryers or turn flour mills or chill freezers? Which of these options is the best place to start?

new study by the USAID Power Africa Nigeria Power Sector Program, led by RMI and conducted in partnership with Sahel Consulting, answers these questions by identifying:

  • the most promising agricultural productive uses to electrify,
  • how these opportunities can be sustained through commercial business models, and
  • the strategies stakeholders can use to overcome barriers to deployment.


The Most Promising Agricultural Productive Uses to Electrify

We analyzed 12 crop value chains across Nigeria’s Kaduna and Cross River states, using more than 250 field interviews with farmers, processors, and traders in over 40 rural communities. We also conducted an extensive literature review and discussions with sector experts. Activities with the most potential for immediate electrification demonstrated local capacity to conduct the processing, existing markets for the product, availability of electric processing equipment in Nigeria, and scalability. Considering these factors, prospective activities were classified into three tiers:

  • Tier 1, immediately ready for deployment
  • Tier 2, strong medium-term potential with support to overcome one or more barriers
  • Tier 3, longer-term potential if additional barriers are addressed

The figure below rates each activity on each criterion, summarizing detailed analysis of each value chain and evaluating the viability of electrifying processing activities from farm gate to final consumer.

Exhibit 1: Combinations of processing activities and value chains analyzed, including tier rankings and scoring summaries across four evaluation criteria.

Cassava grating, grain flour milling, and rice milling are three clear Tier 1 activities primed for immediate electrification and deployment in Nigerian minigrids. Each of these can be electrified at scale in existing minigrids today, with little to no market development support. For example, most minigrid-suitable communities in rural Nigeria already host small grain flour millers who convert maize, sorghum, cowpea, soybean, and other local crops into flours and meals used to make staple foods. These mills are fossil-fuel powered, typically utilizing antiquated combustion engines as the prime mover. For example, multi-crop electric flour mills could be operated using the skills that local millers already have, to serve a preexisting local offtake market, using domestically manufactured electrical appliances, at countrywide scale.


The Business Case for Investment

Further, there is a clear business case for investment by processors in electric equipment for Tier 1 activities, all of which can be paid back within two years. Our analysis shows that these productive loads also significantly improve minigrid economics by consuming surplus solar power during Nigeria’s sunny afternoon hours. In the scenario with the most productive use adoption (nine cassava graters, 12 flour mills, and five rice mills), the increased electricity sales volume decreased the electricity price required to recoup the minigrid investment by 19%.


Exhibit 2: Load profiles for a simulated solar-hybrid minigrid at vary levels of productive use adoption.

Synchronizing agricultural processing with minigrid electricity can improve livelihoods, enhance the financial viability of rural electrification, and reduce electricity prices for consumers. And these opportunities are not limited to Nigeria, as RMI’s ongoing work in Ethiopia, A2EI’s recent research in Tanzania, and Power For All‘ s #PoweringAg campaign clearly show. But breaking the status quo of asynchronous agricultural development and electrification will require significant changes.


Strategies for Stakeholders

First, cross-sectoral collaboration between agriculture and energy stakeholders will be indispensable. Today, there is little coordination between actors and projects, leaving most minigrid developers to figure out agricultural productive use on their own, with very little connection to the experts leading the agricultural development efforts occurring in parallel throughout Nigeria. Collaboration can scale and deepen impact. For instance, livestock nutrition programs that increase cow milk productivity will be more successful if paired with cold chain infrastructure that ensures excess dairy makes it to market. This collaboration can be expanded across national borders to replicate best practices.

Second, commercial business models must connect the appliance buyer to affordable credit and reliable power. Our report proposes three different business models that can be used to deploy and scale Tier 1 and Tier 2 productive use activities by addressing financing gaps.

Third, we must learn by doing, and by listening. The history of development spending is rife with well-intentioned interventions that failed to benefit the people they aimed to serve. Pilot projects in advance of widespread deployment can test whether electrical appliances are functional and meet processor and customer needs. Pilots can also provide data on the compatibility of equipment with minigrid hardware, and on the electricity consumption patterns of productive use customers. This data can further demonstrate the financial viability of these investments to inform prospective lenders’ risk perception.

Nigeria’s federal government understands this need. The Rural Electrification Agency is now launching productive use pilots through the Nigerian Electrification Project with the African Development Bank and World Bank. Further, as SEforALL advocates, there is an opportunity to incorporate direct links between electrification and small-holder agriculture in COVID-19 recovery efforts.

The opportunities for electrification in Nigeria have never been brighter. Energy access technologies are poised to deploy at breakneck speed with dramatic cost reductions in sight, and are receiving attention from government, development partners, and the private sector. However, it is essential that distributed energy resources are coupled with business models that boost local livelihoods by using electricity to address pressing unmet needs in agricultural value chains. Pairing productive use and rural electrification with an effective deployment strategy will unlock local economic development and can serve as a springboard toward realizing the mission of rural electrification.


Note: This article first appeared on USAID’s Facebook Page, view here


