Last year I spent a period that spanned two months in Nigeria. There was not a day that they had electricity for more than 1 hour. My mother who lived in Ladipo had power that could not power a light bulb for the 6 days I spent at her place. Every night the generators came on and the noise and smell assault you till daylight. Most visitors to Nigeria come back with respiratory ailments that they did not experience in the past. The financial impact to the economy is such that it is estimated that self power generation reduces the per capita income of the Nigerian by more than 33%. Nigerians spend (a conservative estimate) N1.6T every year on generators. Nigerians spend the highest amount per kilo watt hour $0.55c compared to the industrialized world.
With all these challenges faced by Nigerians, we want to be a part of the solution. Photo Voltaic cells have been around since the 1800’s. In 1967 the Russians powered Soyuz with Solar Cells.
In 1977 President Jimmy Carter installed Solar Panels on the White House. Solar power has been around for longer than most of us have been.

It is very mainstream in Europe, the United States and China. China is on course to install more solar capacity that the United States this year. The United States last year over took Germany in installed Solar Capacity with over 10 GW of installed solar capacity with much more to come. What makes this all the more impressive is that the United States does not get anywhere as much sunshine as Nigeria. Today Nigeria produces less that 3000 MW and the plan is to produce 10000 MW by 2020. South Africa produces over 50,000 MW and suffers from rolling blackouts. Nigeria’s energy independence has to include renewables. Nigeria can generate over 120,000 MW from solar alone.
We all need to join our hands together and reclaim our environment. We can start by enlightening our neighbors about alternatives to generators. We did a cost comparison for a prospective client. We compared his N550,000 generator to a N2,400,000 Solar Home System. We used a fuel consumption figure of 2.2 liters an hour and a cost for diesel of N120. The generator was run for an average of 10 hours a day. That generator uses 22 liters of fuel everyday or 8030 liters a year. That generator cost him in fuel alone N963600. His N550,000 generator has cost him over N1,500,000 the first year alone. Lets assume he used half as much in fuel, he still spent over N500,000 on his generator in year one. Our assumptions are that it does not break down and there is no fuel scarcity. The black market rate for fuel is higher.
You solar generator still cost you N2,400,000. It does not make any noise, does not emit any smoke, does not require repairs and runs twenty four hours a day without fuel.
You have harnessed the power of sun to run your home. You did not pollute, you have kept your environment healthy. You did not have to worry about carbon monoxide, electrocution, incompetent mechanics or security guards stealing and selling your fuel.
We have systems for the house from 600 W to 20,000 to meet you needs. Call us at 973-200-8397 x 121 or send us an email at
We would like you to be a client or an ambassador. Education is key in the adoption of solar power in our home country.
Together we can make a difference and save the environment.