Solar power energy tackles electricity challenges in Nigeria three years after the privatization of power sector, generation has remained below 5,000 Mega Watts (MW). This energy deficit has hampered economic growth and prevented investments in the country.

The challenges facing the power sector have been attributed to the high debt profile of power firms, unfavorable tariff structure and gas pipeline vandalism.
Experts at the just concluded yearly Power and Utilities Round Table, organized by PricewaterhouseCoopers in Lagos, believed that off-grid and small-scale energy solutions (solar power) that generate electricity closer to end users will also bolster productive uses of energy and income generation in the country.a
Some multinationals and private estates are already off-grid (solar power) in a bid to provide reliable electricity.
Already, Lagos State Government is exploring the off-grid solution to tackle its electricity challenges.
Partner and lead, Power & Utilities, PwC Nigeria, Pedro Omontuemhen, said: